Historical links


British-Serbian Relations


Slobodan G. Markovich, British Perceptions of Serbia and the Balkans, 1903-1906 (PDF format)
00.pdf, 01.pdf, 1.pdf, 2.pdf, 3.pdf, 4.pdf, 5.pdf, 5a.pdf, 5b.pdf, 5c.pdf, 6.pdf, 7.pdf

Slobodan G. Markovich, The Eastern Crisis (1875-1878) http://www.chevening.org.yu/english/issues/2004/16/07e.asp#4

Slobodan G. Markovich, Britain and Serbia during the Reign of Michael Obrenovich IV (1860-1868) http://www.chevening.org.yu/english/issues/2004/14/06e.asp

Slobodan G. Markovich, Chedomille Mijatovich. A Bridge between two Cultures http://www.chevening.org.yu/english/issues/2006/21/07e.asp


British-Montenegrin Relations


Saša Kneževic,
Montenegro and Greait Britain (summary in English, in PDF format)

Saša Kneževic,
»The Times Coverage of the Montenegrin-Turskih War in 1862«, The South Slav Journal, vol. 21 (2000, PDF format)


The South Slav Journal